Advocacy Resources

Getting Started

We can think about the process of becoming a good advocate in three steps: Step In, Step Back, and Step Up.  (Adapted from Joseph R. Campbell's TED Talk, 5 Steps to Becoming an Advocate.)

Step In

Step Back

  • Take a moment to learn more about the issues you are passionate about. The resources below contain information about the purpose of advocacy, key issues facing New Jersey, and up to date details about bills currently moving in the House and Senate.

    Advocacy 101 for Young Adults

    Hour of Advocacy Summer School Recorded Sessions

  • NJPP State of Opportunity Index
    Key New Jersey issues organized by county, including Health, Employment, Education, Housing, and more.

    Out of Reach Report
    How much do you need to earn to afford a modest apartment in New Jersey?

    New Jersey ALICE Report
    ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) households are those that earn above the Federal Poverty Line, but not enough to afford basic household necessities.

  • Legislative bills go through a process of review and amendment that can sometimes change them completely. Advocacy groups (like us!) pay close attention to bills as they move through the House and the Senate to make sure they aren't being watered down. The two resources below can help you follow or learn more about bills on the issues that are most important to you.

    New Jersey Legislature

    Bill Track 50

Step Up